Dec, 2024 |
CryoDRGN version 3.4.3 is now released!
E.Z. Lab visits Vancouver, Canada to attend NeurIPS 2024, presenting Hydra and CryoBench! |
Nov, 2024 |
Robert Heeter starts rotating in the group, welcome!
Rish attends and presents a poster at the 5th Molecular Machine Learning (MoML) Conference at MIT. Zeming Lin (EvolutionaryScale) visits the lab to give a talk on the state-of-the-art protein language models. CryoDRGN version 3.4.2 is now released! |
Oct, 2024 |
Ellen visits Cambridge, Massachusetts to give a talk at the 12th Symposium for Structural Proteomics.
CryoDRGN version 3.4.1 is now released! Alkin and Rish give flash talks and present posters at the Princeton-Nature Conference, 3rd Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences. |
Sep, 2024 |
Delighted to welcome Ziyu Xiong as a Ph.D. student to the group, Ambri Ma as a masters student, and Foyez Alauddin, Emmanuel Mhrous, and Kohei Sanno for their undergraduate thesis projects!
CryoBench (Spotlight) and Hydra are accepted to NeurIPS 2024! Ryan wins the best talk award in the Princeton MolBio Retreat. Alkin, Minkyu, Rish, and Ziyu visit Poconos, Pennsylvania to give talks at the Princeton ImageX Labs (PIXL) Retreat. CryoDRGN version 3.4.0 is now released! |
Aug, 2024 |
Ryan and Rish give a talk and cryoDRGN workshop at the EMBO cryoEM course in EMBL Heidelberg.
Ellen visits Shenzhen, China to give a talk at 15th K.H. Kuo International Symposium on Cryo-EM Technology.
Ellen gives a talk in the launch event of AI for Accelerating Invention (AI^2), a new Princeton AI Lab initiative. |
Jul, 2024 | Cloris joins the group for a summer internship. Welcome! |
Jun, 2024 |
Ellen was interviewed for a Quanta magazine feature on machine learning for structural biology.
CryoDRGN version 3.3.3 is now released! Recent talks about our group’s work:
May, 2024 |
Our two preprints are posted, describing:
CryoDRGN versions 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 are now released! Congratulations to our graduating seniors Vicky and David for their awards, including the Outstanding Computer Science Senior Thesis Prize and the Computer Science Service Award to Vicky, and the Jeffrey O. Kephart ‘80 Prize in Engineering Physics to David! Our group’s end of semester dinner! |
Apr, 2024 |
CryoDRGN version 3.3.0 and version 3.2.0-beta are now released!
Ellen gives a talk at CCP-EM Spring Symposium in Nottingham, UK. Alkin, David, Minkyu, Rish, and Ellen attend the NYC Computer Vision Day 2024 at NYU to present our lab’s work. |
Mar, 2024 | Ellen gives a talk at EMBO | EMBL Symposium on AI & Biology, in EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. |
Jan, 2024 |
Adele Peng joins the group as an undergraduate researcher, and Jay
Golden starts rotating in the group.
Ellen gives a talk at the EMBL Industry Workshop “Cryo-EM in academia and industry.” |
Dec, 2023 |
CryoDRGN version 3.1.0 is now released!
Congratulations to Ryan, who was selected as a Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Ellen attends NeurIPS, organizes the MLSB Workshop, and speaks at both the Deep Learning and Inverse Problems and Generative AI and Biology Workshops. Ellen visits UC Berkeley and gives a talk at the Center for Computational Biology (CCB) Seminar series. |
Nov, 2023 |
Ellen visits Toronto, Canada to give a talk at the Toronto Vision Seminar.
Alkin, David, Minkyu, Rish, and Ellen attend the 2023 Molecular Machine Learning (MoML) Conference at MIT. The group presents two posters, and Ellen speaks at the panel “Molecular ML: The Most Important Challenges.” Rish gives a talk in Materials Imaging Workshop at Princeton. |
Oct, 2023 |
Ellen visits Stockholm, Sweden to attend and open the 6th CryoNET Symposium as a keynote speaker.
Vincent Sitzmann (MIT) visits the lab for a CS Colloquium on “3D-aware Representation Learning for Vision”. Alkin, David, and Rish attend the Boston Biotech Trip of the Princeton Biotech Group. |
Sep, 2023 |
Delighted to welcome Minkyu Jeon as a Ph.D. student to the group, Alkin Kaz as a masters student, and
Vicky Feng and David Shusten for their undergraduate thesis projects!
Axel gives a talk on “Deep learning for ab initio reconstruction in cryo-EM” at a CECAM workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland. John Jumper visits from DeepMind for a Distinguished CS Colloquium on “Highly accurate protein structure prediction with deep learning”. Ellen visits MIT and gives a talk at the Bioinformatics Seminar series. Ellen also attends the Atlantic Festival as a speaker at the panel “Genentech Presents: What Would It Take to Transform Drug Discovery With AI?” |
Aug, 2023 | Our preprint describing cryoDRGN-ET for in situ reconstruction of dynamic protein complexes is posted! Check out our tweet thread here and code release in cryoDRGN version 3.0.0-beta. |
Jul, 2023 |
Ryan Feathers joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow, co-advised by Fred Hughson, after completing his Ph.D. at Cornell.
Michal Grzadkowski joins as a full-time resesarch software engineer. Welcome!
Ellen attends the Symposium on Geometry Processing in Genoa, Italy, and gives a talk at American Crystallography Association annual meeting. |
Jun, 2023 |
Ellen visits EMBL Heidelberg for a seminar and cryoDRGN workshop.
Updated cryoDRGN version 2.3.0 documentation now available. Our review on “Conformational Heterogeneity and probability distributions from single-particle cryo-electron microscopy” is published! Ellen and Axel attend the Cryo-EM methods workshop at the Flatiron Institute in NYC. |
May, 2023 |
Ramya Rangan joins the group after completing her Ph.D. at Stanford! Welcome!
Ellen visits University of Michigan for a cryoDRGN workshop and gives talks at the Princeton Catalysis Initiative symposium and at the University of Pennslyvania Structural Biology Symposium. CryoDRGN version 2.3.0 is now released! Ellen gives a talk on “Neural Fields for Structural Biology” at the ICLR Neural Fields across Fields workshop. Mark presents his master’s thesis and graduates with his MEng in ECE. Congratulations! Niko Grigorieff (UMass Med, HHMI) visits the lab and gives a talk in the Princeton structural biology colloquium series. |
Apr, 2023 |
Ellen gives talks at the Caltech AI4Science seminar series, Stanford SCIEN seminar series, and UC Davis Department of Biochemistry.
Axel and Ellen attend the NYC-area cryo-EM meeting at Rockefeller University. Axel gives a SLAC public lecture on our work, “Capturing Molecular Motion using Artificial Intelligence”. |
Mar, 2023 |
Code release! Stable release of cryoDRGN2’s ab initio reconstruction tools are now available in cryodrgn version 2.2.0. Open source code for cryoFIRE, described in Levy et al. 2022, is now available . Ellen gives talks at Columbia Medical School, the North American Microscopy Society meeting, and the University of Washington Institute of Protein Design (IPD). |
Feb, 2023 | Ellen attends Biophysical Society and gives a talk at the cryo-EM subgroup symposium. |
Jan, 2023 | Happy 2023! Ellen visits Utah for a seminar at BYU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. |
Dec, 2022 | EZ lab attends NeurIPS. Axel presents cryoFIRE and Karsten presents latent space diffusion models in cryoDRGN. Ellen organizes the 3rd MLSB workshop at NeurIPS - over 80 posters and in person for the first time. |
Nov, 2022 |
Tamjeed starts rotating in the group. Rish and Mark join as Masters students. John Ingraham visits
from Generate Biomedicines for a CS Colloquium on “Illuminating protein space with a programmable generative
Ellen gives talks at a CZI workshop on Computational Frontiers in Cryo-ET, at the Institute for Applied Mathematics (IPAM), at a cryo-EM course at Cold Springs Harbor Lab, and at a Flatiron Institute Workshop on Sampling, Diffusion, and Transport. |
Oct, 2022 | Axel and Fred visit from Stanford for the first EZ lab group meeting, joint with Amit Singer’s group. Ellen gives a talk at the MIT Molecular Machine Learning Conference, the Yale Department of Statistics and Data Science, Purdue Computer Science, and the Rutgers University Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine / RCSB PDB. |
Sep, 2022 | Peter starts rotating in the group. Michael Figurnov from DeepMind gives a talk on AlphaFold at Princeton CS as part of Ellen’s new Machine Learning for Structural Biology seminar class. Ellen gives talks at Van Andel Institute, and the Princeton-Nature Conference on Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences. |
Aug, 2022 | Ellen visits Portland, Oregon and gives a talk on CryoDRGN2 at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2022. |
Jul, 2022 | Ellen starts her appointment at Princeton CS. |