Office: CS 314
35 Olden St.
Princeton, NJ, 08544
join us!
We are a multidisciplinary team interested in algorithm and methods development in AI for challenging and complex problems in structural biology.
We are seeking graduate students and postdocs with a background in machine learning, algorithms, and statistics who are interested in biologial problem domains. We emphasize learning and obtaining deep expertise across multiple areas for creative problem solving, and we are embedded in a collaborative environment and community within the CS department, across departments at Princeton, and with collaborators around with world. We are also passionate about communicating our research to diverse audiences and developing useful tools and software.
For prospective Ph.D. students, please apply to the Princeton Computer Science Ph.D. program or the graduate program in Quantitative and Computational Biology and mention our group in your research statement.
For postdoctoral candidates, please send us an email and include a CV and a description of your research interests and future career goals.